Saturday, 20 February 2010
MediaMonkey and Remote Speakers output
Many thanks go out to several RSO users who have reported and helped diagnose a conflict between Remote Speakers output v2.4 and MediaMonkey (on recent Windows versions). The conflict causes MediaMonkey to freeze shortly after displaying its splash screen. I believe this is the same issue that was observed during the v3.0 beta trials late last year.
With much help from some of the affected, the issue has been fully diagnosed. I should be able to put out a new release that fixes the issue very soon. In the meantime, you have the option of using Remote Speakers output v2.2, which does not exhibit the issue with MediaMonkey. As far as I am aware, v2.4 works fully with Winamp and with MediaMonkey on Windows XP. There should be no reason to downgrade unless you directly experience the issue.
As always, please post a comment here or send me an email if you come across any issues with Remote Speakers output. I am currently looking into fixes for an issue with streaming audio and with international (non-ASCII) characters in the speaker names for inclusion in the same release.