Tuesday, 5 September 2006

Remote Speakers Output Plug-In 0.12

Well, I got the itch and decided to work a little over Labor Day weekend. Here is the latest and greatest Remote Speakers Output Plug-In for Winamp and MediaMonkey. Did I ever mention that I love AirTunes? The biggest change is the addition of the remote speaker selection submenu to the menubar for Modern Skins, as demonstrated by this screen capture:

screenshot of submenu from menu bar

Also in this build, I have added support for per-user configuration, fixed a few small details like eliminating the connect dialog "flicker" when a connection can be established quickly, which is the most common scenario. And I have increased performance a little by using a lighter-weight process synchronization construct. Enough technobabble already...if your interested, you can see all the changes made for this release in the complete history file and the source code.

I am listening and respondig to your comments and suggestions. Next on the list is to provide asynchronous writing to the AirPort Express so visualization doesn't get so choppy due to the use of blocking (i.e. synchronous) I/O. Keep those comments—and compliments—streaming in. And please don't forget to click on an advert or two now and again... Cheers!

Posted by emilles at 10:15 PM in Software
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