Saturday, 30 September 2006

Remote Speakers Output Plug-In 0.13

Lucky number 13...(fingers crossed). This is a momentous release of my AirTunes solution for Winamp and MediaMonkey. The Remote Speakers Output Plug-In has finally been refactored to decouple receiving audio data from the player and sending audio data to the remote speakers. Why is this important, you ask? Before I made this change, the responsiveness of the player was pretty bad because execution was held up in the output plug-in as soon as the buffer in the AirPort Express filled. Take a look at how poorly the spectrum analyzer updates with a previous version. Now, it should be back to normal—bouncing along with the music, as you would expect.

With this, the last major milestone I have set for the code, the plug-in is soon to be submitted to for widespread distribution. I just need all of you to run this version and get back to me with any problems that may have been introduced by this large and complex change. Hopefully nothing major rears its ugly head, but please let me know right away if anything does.

So, on that note, thanks to all of you who have sent or will send comments and bug reports. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel... Go download the new version of the plug-in and enjoy streaming music to your Apple AirPort Express. Cheers!

Posted by emilles at 3:12 PM in Software
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