Sunday, 26 December 2010
Remote Speakers Output Plug-In 3.0
Seasons greetings! The holidays have finally afforded me a little free time to take take care of some unfinished business. This gives me a chance to work up a posting to update you on some current affairs. As some of you may know, I was recently married in October, so I haven't had a lot of free time beforehand or since. Thank you all for your well wishes. It is nice to have these little personal connections that just don't come from working at a big software house. In that spirit, I thought I would share one of the more fun-filled photos from the wedding (see right).
It has been a long time coming, but I have finally put the finishing touches on Remote Speakers Output Plug-In 3.0. I have been working on this release for almost two years now and I didn't want to go into the new year without putting something out there. I had to pull back on a few features that were not quite ready, like Windows Media Player support. However, I feel that the base of what is now v3 is strong and will make a great platform for supporting more players and developing new features, including some of the brand new things that Apple has branded AirPlay.
- Added support for XMPlay with new plug-in DLL
- Added support for static configuration of remote speakers; Bonjour is optional
- Added device icons to remote speakers listbox in options dialog and in new device configuration dialog
- Added display of stale devices in options dialog and remote speakers submenu
- Added check for Bonjour daemon status; plug-in will no longer crash if service is not running
- Extended international (Unicode) character support beyond Active Code Page in dialogs and menus
- Redesigned project source code from procedural C into object-oriented C++
- Split core functionality and Winamp plug-in into separate DLLs
- Upgraded libraries: Bonjour to 2.0.4, OpenSSL to 1.0.0c, Secret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) to 0.1.7 and added Poco 1.4.0
Overall, I think v3 is much more polished and I hope to get a chance to make it even better in 2011. Until then, please download the new version, use it and let me know what you think. See you again soon.